Do The Right Thing

By Source, Fair use,



1) Camera framing and camera angles: (Cinematography)


How are the various characters presented to us? In close-up? Long shots? Low angle or high angle shots? Straight or canted (crooked) shots? What might these types of shots tell us about a character or a situation?


Does the framing change in moments of tension?


How about the limits of the frame? What does Lee include in the frame and what does he leave out?


2) Light and colour (Visual design or ‘mise en scène’)


Does Lee use natural light? Hard light (lots of contrast and shadows)? Soft light (even, Does he use colour filters? How does this affect the way we perceive a character? Do light and colour contribute to broader themes in the film?


3) Costumes (Visual design or ‘mise en scène’)


Is there anything remarkable about the way the actors are dressed? Is there anything significant about the colours they wear?


4) Music (Sound design)


How does Lee use music in his storytelling? Does music add anything to the mood or tone of a particular scene? Does it contribute to character development?